AMP Captial
Our Service
- Customer Research
- Competitive Review
- Place Value Proposition
- Experience Strategy
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A new lease on life for one of Sydney’s historic commercial assets
Anchoring one of Sydney’s most vibrant and charming laneways is Angel Place (123 Pitt Street), a timeless commercial tower built in 2001.
Competing with premium and A-Grade assets, AMP Capital embarked on a rigorous process to reposition Angel Place, ensuring its experience is unparalleled.
As part of this process, Brickfields Consulting were engaged to prepare a Place Value Proposition and subsequent Activation Strategy.

What we did
Based on an extensive review of the existing market, Brickfields proposed a ‘six star advantage’ that would deliver a premium experience with an A-Grade price tag, targeted towards established multi-nationals willing to pay a premium to be a member of Sydney’s best located and inter-connected commercial community.
This would be underpinned by a hallmark ‘hotel-esque’ service approach and redevelopment of the lobby and entry spaces to deliver market-leading third spaces that would fundamentally change how the building is used and the perceived market value.
AMP Capital also engaged Brickfields Consulting to develop a high level Activation Framework, aligning with the Place Value Proposition, to inform the selection and programming of lobby activations.
This framework focused on the delivery of service and experience activations in four key zones of activity within building foyers.
With rich creative capital in the precinct, and a sharp clientele of astute professionals, this framework tapped into the strengths of the area and the lifestyle needs of its residing professionals.
What we achieved
The recommendations made by Brickfields can be seen in the building’s refurbishment works and activation programme.
From front door to office floor, the tenant experience is seamless and intuitive, offering an unmatched level of convenience, and tailored experiential activations build community and foster an already thriving on-site community.